Copyright, Licencing and Usage

All pictures on this site are taken by me and are protected by copyright.  All of my artwork is protected under creative commons “Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs”, which means that if  you wish to share the work on the site for non- commercial work only you must clearly add my name Deirdre Hayes and a link to this website next to the picture. The work must appear unaltered in anyway. My work may not be used in any offensive manner.

If you wish to use my work for commercial work or on any site that is intended to make money please contact me for terms and rates.

All of the work and articles on this site is the exclusive property of Deirdre Hayes, unless otherwise noted.

All of theses images  this site are the property of Deirdre Hayes, protected by copyright and are not royalty-free

If you are interested in purchasing a picture on this site, email any inquiries. Thanks!

Any questions, contact me!

info @ deirdrehayes. com (no spaces)